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So what made you start taking ketamine?
Well, I researched it for a long time because I've had depression for as long as I can remember. Probably even since high school. And so I retired and said to Self, I got to do something about depression, because I'm done. And I'd been reading about Ketamine. Thought it was interesting. So I jumped in, decided to go check it out and doit. And I'm glad I did. I read a lot about it. Watched a lot of videos, got whatever I could get my hands on about it. And it seemed safe. So I tried it.
What was your first treatment like?
Wow. Amazing. It's almost like a spiritual kind of. You know, just some kind of spiritual awakening, almost. It was fantastic. But every treatment after that was even better. I would even goal most deeper into it's. Like when you're when you're in depression, it's like there's this hole inside you that you're constantly trying to fill. Some people fill it with food. I did. Some people fill it with alcohol. Some people fill it with drugs. Whatever you sex, whatever you fill that hole with. Right? And there's something about ketamine that fills that hole. So when you're done with it, I don't feel the need to I don't have this emptiness anymore. So my relationship with food is different. It basically my relationship with food has totally changed. And it wasn't conscious. I just don't eat emotionally anymore. Have this thing that I'm trying to fill anymore, and that's really what it did for me.
How many treatments did it take for you to start noticing a difference?
Probably two or three, but I'm glad I did six, just because I enjoy them. I looked forward to them. But, yeah, I started feeling it really after the second, a third one, just on a constant basis, like my relationship with food and myself. And I don't wake up with dread anymore. I hardly have any negative thoughts, and when I do, I notice them right away, and I'm like, what's that about? Whereas before, it was just constant negative thoughts. That's what depression really was for me.
So would you say that you're in remission from your depression?
Oh, yeah, absolutely. I can't even imagine feeling that way anymore. It's just. Naturally. I just I just feelgood. Most days, I just I'm in a good mood. Most days I don't have you know, I'm bored sometimes, but even when I get bored or I feel like I really should be doing something, maybe I'm not motivated, I'm not depressed, I'm not angry. I'm not I don't have negative emotions. I just realize I'm bored. Like, I need to go do something.
So if somebody was on the fence about Ketamine, what would you tell me?
Say go for it. I don't know. It's my experience, and I hear that every experience is different. But I do have a friend that also did it, and we chatted, and it was kind of like a spiritual awakening for him too. When I say spiritual, I just mean you feel whole. You feel like everything makes sense. It's like an AHA moment, right? It's like, oh, I'm okay. I am okay. And that's what it makes me feeling. That's what it made him feel. Too. So I would say go for it. If you're on the fence, you're not going to be disappointed. It's good stuff.